Monday, August 20, 2012

things i'm loving these days

the lane of memories that coldplay's viva la vida album causes me to walk down

the final two hours of my weekend when i complete my"weekend to-do list".

sunshine. oh i love sunshine. can't wait for summer

my most recent blog find it's an amazing blog compiled by three girls from canada and australia. so beautiful 

poached eggs. really the best things to happen to breakfast since there was bread to put in a toaster.

jump roping. i'm sure i look hilarious jump roping in the car park in the dark but it's such good exercise.

international phone credit. lets be honest, talking on the phone is so much easier then skyping with sketchy internet.

what are you loving? 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

What's New

This update is going to be full of media. When I read emails or blogs I find myself skipping over the long descriptive paragraphs and straight to the photos or videos the author has to offer. Like someone very wise once said, a picture of worth a thousand words so here's a few thousand for you. 

Inline image 1
This is a photo of the Youth Street Dance Team that I have had the honor of leading for the past few weeks. We are small, only brining in two youth a week, but we have so much fun and are always learning new things and having heaps of fun. Leading the teams means that I am in charge of my two staff members (in the black shirts), organize the teams weekly activities, pastorally care for our youth and hear God on the overall vision of our team. It has definitely had its challenges but the biggest thing I have learned through the difficulty is how to hear God on the small things and let him take care of them. The first week I lead the team was a disaster because I approached the day without involving God or hearing what he had to say about what we were doing. The next week I took the time to hear from God and was inspired to try some new things that made the day run really well. I love that we can hand God both big and little things and trust that he will take care of them far better then we can! Currently we are choreographing a new dance and preparing to perform in the next few weeks! 

Inline image 2
I am now actively apart of a local church here in Newcastle and have loved getting involved and meeting new people. This is a photo of the "Cell" that I am apart of on Tuesday nights. It is basically a bible study/community group that gets together to hang out and encourage and love on each other. I have been a huge part of me getting further invested in the church and pursuing more then just going to church but actively participating in the community as well. It is an amazing church full of wonderful people! I have also been given the opportunity to lead a cell for 6th graders on Sunday afternoons. I have loved getting a chance to minister to more youth outside of Youth Street and have learned a lot about young people growing up in the church. 

Inline image 3
July is only two months away and Jeremy and I are staying busy with the preparation for DTS that we will be staffing together. I have learned that my favorite part of this prep time is encouraging the students that are interested in coming on DTS and helping them with the logistics they need to know in order to come. I spend most of my days online chatting with accepted or potential students. I help them with the application and visa process and encourage and pray-a lot. God has again and again proven that I have no power to get students here on DTS. It is only God that can bring students to our school and thats the way I like it. I would rather have a school of six students that strongly believe God has brought them here and are ready to change and bring change, then twenty students whom I have convinced to come. We are praying for a school of twelve students. I would love for you to join me as I pray for our school to grow and watch as God provides. 

I have added the link to July DTS 2012 promo video that I was able to be apart of! Take a look and let me know what you think! I loved being able to share a testimony in order to promote the amazing things you can be apart of on DTS! 

Here's the link:

I hope this gives you a good picture of what my life is looking like these days! I would love to hear any feedback you may have and answer any questions you come up with. 

I'm excited to share more with you as we get closer to the school starting. Please keep me and my staff team in your prayers! 


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Co-workers. I have the best job!

This is the team of people that I will be staffing the Classic DTS with in July! All three of them are amazing and completely dedicated to serving God and loving people. I am so blessed to call them friends and now coworkers! Here is a little blurb about each of them. Hope you enjoy! 

Hello. My name is Jeremy Barry Randall. My parents were going to call me Jeremiah but thought it to be too nerdy. Barry was my nanas middle name (Norah Barry Randall - one of the greatest women to ever walk the planet) and the Randalls came out to Australia from England as immigration officers. We have been farmers, painters, politicians, knights (my grandad was Sir Richard the secretary to the treasurer and a stunt pilot), pastors, lawyers. I come from a legacy of lovers, improvers, charity-fueled card players. I am child 3 of four. My brother a social worker, my sister a primary school teacher, my younger sister a student of law and asian studies. 

I love peoples stories. I love the reasons why. I love figuring out how to make something better. I love living with people, even when its annoying. I love driving old corollas and photographing faces. 

I grew up a pastors kid. I have now seen church (and played in worship bands) on every continent except south america. I have been apart of community as musician, athlete, director, photographer, dishwasher, salesman, printer, model, leader, follower, chef, mother, father (weird huh?) encourager. 

I love speaking out truth to people who don’t realise it. When you see good in someone who can’t see it in themselves. I love hugs. Awkwardly long hugs. I love renewing peoples minds when it comes to hugs. I love elaborate hand shakes and slapping five. I love playing the clown to make people comfortable and then sitting down and having conversations that surprise people that i actually have a brain. and i actually have the capacity to be intelligent in amongst laughing about poop.

I’m slowly (very slowly) learning, that if absolute truth exists (which i believe is does) then that makes me wrong. Because i am not perfect. I am not God. I haven’t always been ok with being wrong. In fact i’m still not. But it something i need to learn. I believe people are worth all my time in the world and sometimes with people relationship comes way before being right. (slowly learning)

I’m excited about adventure. I love travelling and doing new things. I love meeting new people.

Me, yesterday.... like 20 years ago.

Me and my best friend evan.

Me on top of a mountain in Jasper Canada.

My name is Candace Braaten

I was born and raised in a small suburb of Seattle, Washington USA. At a young age I had a strong sense of adventure and always dreamt of what the world around me looked like and knew I wanted to see and experience all of it. When I was 18 I packed my bags and moved to San Diego, California to begin my freshman year in college. I soon realized that science and arithmetic did not excite me so I moved to Los Angeles, California to study marketing at a private fashion school. I graduated with a degree in fashion marketing and again found myself packing my bags for something new. This time it was New York City. I lived in NYC for 3 years working in the fashion industry until I realized that Jesus was the ultimate adventurer and that the plan He had for me was beyond what I could dream. I then moved back to Seattle to be with my family and dream with Jesus. January 2010, to my surprise and excitement, I found myself packing my bags for Newcastle, Australia to do a discipleship training school. After my DTS I joined staff at YWAM Newcastle and had the amazing privilege of staffing the 2011 October DTS and co-leading an outreach team to Mexico City. That was it. I was sold out. I was ready and willing to go wherever Jesus told me. I was ready for the front lines. I was ready to be his hands and feet. So I boldly asked what He had next and" Go Home" was all He said. So home I went and within a few months I found myself applying to do the School of Social Justice at YWAM Denver. To Denver I went, and learnt about the injustices of the world. During this school, I saw and experienced the vulnerable heart of Jesus and the crazy way He loves. This is something I want every person to experience, the real Jesus. 

I love my family. I love my friends. I love making new friends. I love traveling. I love exploring new cities by way of public transportation. I love listening to people talk about what they are passionate about. I love watches. I have a new found love for tea. I love loud music. I love when the sun is shining. I love movies. I love cheese and crackers. I love seeing people operate in their God given giftings. I love lions. I love encouraging people. I love laughing, like really laughing. I love snickers ice cream bars. I love a good dance party. I love when people are vulnerable. I love Jesus and how a life lived with Him is simply the best.

Hello my name is Jeff I'm twenty and I'm from Hawaii. I was adopted from Japan when I was a week old and moved to Hawaii where I spent the majority of my childhood. My family has always been in ministry, pastoring a church for twenty years, and then moving into the mission field when I was ten. Because of this I've had the privilege of living in some of the most beautiful places in the world, and traveling to over 30 countries by the time I was 18.  

I have been playing music since I was four, starting on violin and the moving onto other things over the years. Because of this i had a huge heart for worship and my heart is to see people set free and be free through worship. 

 Finally. I love music, food, and coffee. I enjoy cooking for other people and eating good food. So. Let's hang out about it. 

Jeff in his and Jeremy's room.
At an all night prayer meeting on a cold mountain top.

Jeff and Candace, almost creepy christmas photo

July 2012 classic DTS

Tell your friends, this is going to be fun.

For more info check out -

Monday, March 26, 2012

Faithful to the Last

This afternoon I received some exciting news. 
After over two months of paperwork, lots of waiting and prayer and a little stress my application for a Religious Workers Visa has been granted! 
I have learned so much about God's faithfulness and stedfast love during this short season in my life. 
I have learned that my worth is not based in how much how work but in Jesus Christ. I have learned how to relax and enjoy people and simple things like coffee and books and twenty minute conversations. 

My visa being granted allows me to be back in the office working on the upcoming July DTS. I am so excited to be working towards a common goal with my fellow staff again. I'll be back in the office tomorrow working on a promo video for the July DTS (which I will share soon), communicating with potential students and brainstorming ideas with other DTS staff. 

All the praise goes to God for this entire visa process. It is truly a miracle that I have gotten it so quickly, proving that God has had his hand all over this situation the whole time! 
When I first applied for my visa, in January, I felt like God told me to plan for it to be granted by the end of March (which seemed a little crazy at the time). Well here we are, with four days left in the month of March and my visa has been granted. God is faithful to the last! 

Inline image 1
Our base comes together at the beginning of each week to worship God together. 
This morning we were led by one of our newly married couples, Jaso and Emily. 
Their contagious freedom and joy mixed with their incredible musical talents created one of the most fun and free times of worship I have had in a long time. 
Joy. It filled the room. As a base we basked in it's freedom and excitement and energy. 

A friend of mine shared this song with me today. It's not about God; it's about a boy-girl relationship but I love its sound and the joy it has. 
Give it a listen and go into each day expecting God's joy. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

One of my favorite bands Branches posted a link to a video made my Invisible Children Inc. and simply stated that they believed in the cause and to check it out. 

This is a band I admire a lot, so naturally I clicked on the link and for the next 29:59 minutes this incredible video had my undivided attention. 

I had heard about Invisible Children Inc. when it first hit Facebook nine years ago. My older brother brought it to my attention and the passion the young founders had kept me interested. I had no idea how far they had come and how big their movement had become. 

I encourage you to watch the video and see what you think. I love that the founder, Jason Russell, incorporates his son into the film, he is so cute and speaks with such childlike truth and conviction. I also love the incredible numbers of young people who have risen up and began to care and fight for issues outside of their own lives.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Birthday lunch with the Keller's. Such a blessing

Delicious pumpkin soup 

Incredible Chocolate cake cheese cake combo!

My Allie Rae 

Living in the moment. 

Starbucks Church. 

Add caption

If only cameras could do this justice.

Tiny Christmas tree


Catching up with truly good friends 


Christmas Eve dinner. Amazing


New found love. Brussels sprouts 


Christmas Eve hike

Visiting my Jenna Burns and ice skating

Lovely Grandparents

We spent many of our evenings around this

I was in the States for both Thanksgiving and Christmas and have never been more refreshed. 
Here is a little glimpse into my time at home.